Thank you.

nual Portsmouth Tournament
35th Archers of Raunds Annual Portsmouth Tournament

Can I please thank all of the archers that took part in today’s Portsmouth tournament and also a huge thank you to the AoR members who took time out to help set up the range on Saturday and throughout Sunday.  You all made the shoot run very smoothly and I think that most people enjoyed the shoot.

The only fly in the ointment was the final part of the day where working out all of the doubles became an issue.  We had a huge number of doubles being competed during session three and with time running out on us the tried and tested plan went awry slightly – I’ll be analyzing that and making changes for the next AoR tournament – one change will to have a dedicated Tournament Officer – we keep looking for someone in the club to take on this role and Geoff or I will welcome any volunteer.  This will then free up Geoff and I to fulfill our proper roles during club events like this.

Anyway, I’ll be working on the result sheet (triple checking it) over the next few days and I will email everyone who attended when it is posted to the website.  I’ll also be contacting those senior gents who might be affected by the mix-up with the double scores (if any error remains) to put things right.

Just when you think that you have the learning curve done, you find that there is another curve upwards to tackle.

BTW – Please drop me an email if you shot a Personal Best at the tournament.  Whilst trying to work out the scores a number of archers wanted to tell me about their successes, but I was just unable to give people the time that they deserved.  Something that I was extremely disappointed not to be able to do.


2 thoughts on “Thank you.”

  1. I’d like to thank all at Archers of Raunds for the tournament on Sunday. it was well run, well attended and most of all enjoyable I shot a personal best of 437,which doesnt sound much to you experts but means a lot to me and I cant wait until the next event, who knows I may even achieve another PB. Onwards and upwards.

  2. Thanks Miles. There were a number of personal best scores broken at the shoot and I have been compiling them for a blog update. It’s been a busy few days, but hopefully I’ll find some time very soon.

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