Progression and Awards
Progression and Development
Please select from the list below to see the different Progression and Development Awards.
Please select the awards page

WA (FITA) Awards
The Feather and Arrow awards are designed to gently test your knowledge and skill of archery and are a great way to improve with your shooting. The coaches will guide you through the whole scheme, and if you pass a simple assessment at the end you will be awarded the arrow badge which most archers attach to their quiver. The purpose is to reward and motivate beginner archers and mark their progression in competency.

Progress Awards
Progress awards offer beginner and junior awards for development for both indoors and outdoors. The scores required can be gained at clubs, and archers are not required to attend competitions. They are also available to non-Archery GB clubs such as Schools, Scouts and Guides.. If you wish to register for the Progression Award, please contact the Junior Representative.

200 Club Scores
The AoR 200 Club is open to all members. The scheme's aim is to help archers to progress to further distances in a controlled manner. If you wish to register for the 200 Club please contact the Junior Representative.

252 Scheme Awards
The 252 award scheme is designed to help archers become confident shooting inncreasingly further distances whilst having their achievements recognised. It is an award scheme in use at many archery clubs in the UK and applies to all archers, irrespective of age, ability or bow type.