
Safeguarding and Code of Conduct

Details of our Code of Conduct as well as shooting rules and procedures.

Any Safeguarding or Code of Conduct issues please email our Safeguarding Officer Jon Kilraine or call him on 07432526353.

Safeguarding and Code of Conduct

All Archers of Raunds activities follow the Archery GB Safeguarding Children, Young People Policy and Safeguarding Adults Policy

The Archery GB “Safeguarding Children, Young People Policy and Safeguarding Adults Policy” is a comprehensive set of policies with an accompanying toolkit of Guidance Documents, Template Forms and Flowcharts which ensures that clubs deliver effective Child Protection for the children and young people as well as an Adult at Risk in Archery.

The Policies are openly available to all club members, parents of club juniors and potential members.

Archery GB cares deeply about this sport being a “Family Sport” and a “Sport for All”. Sport is fun – it gives us all the opportunity to make new friends, try out new activities, develop new skills and give something back to our communities. Under the policy, Protection of Children and Young People and their safety is paramount for children and young people in the archery environment.

In accordance with Archery GB insurance requirements, every club must comply with the Archery GB Policies for “Safeguarding Children, Young People and Safeguarding Adults” and all our coaches have been Enhanced DBS checked and completed NSPCC/UK Coaching child protection courses.

Archers of Raunds complies with Archery GB’s policies because everyone has a moral and legal responsibility to provide “Duty of Care” for children and young people as per the government guide “Working Together to Safeguard Children“.

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy

We are fully committed to safeguarding children, young people and an adult at risk by:

  • Ensuring that the welfare of children, young people and an adult at risk is paramount.
  • Creating and maintaining the safest environment possible for children, young people and an adult at risk participating in Archery.
  • Taking all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect children, young people and an adult at risk from harm, abuse and exploitation.
  • Promoting an ethos which embraces difference and diversity, and respects the rights of children, young people and an adult at risk.

Archers of Raunds guidelines are based on Archery GB’s Policy for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Safeguarding Adults Policy which is mandatory for archery clubs to follow. The Archery GB Policy can be viewed on their website

Children and young people refer to people under the age of 18.

An adult at risk is a person aged 18 years and over who may have care and support needs and as a consequence be abused, neglected, discriminated or forced into marriage or modern slavery because they are unable to protect themselves. Please click on this link from Ann Craft Trust and Buddle (formerly Sport England Club Matters) which has a video just over 6 minutes long but should help you understand the difference between safeguarding adults and children.

Here is another video from the NSPCC and is called “My Magic Sports Kit” which explores what may/can happen when sports kit is worn and how attitudes can change.

More links from the NSPCC and the first is Safe Use of Changing Facilities and Safeguarding LGBTQ+ Young People again there is advice and downloads available from those links.

Abuse is any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment, online abuse (Social Media), peer to peer or lack of care that leads to injury or harm.  Abusers can be male or female.  An individual might abuse or neglect a child, young person or an adult at risk directly, or may be responsible for abuse because they fail to prevent another person harming them.

Never dismiss what a child, young person or an adult at risk tells you as “lies” or exaggeration – the worst possible thing you can do is to ignore it!

Online Safety Bill Update

In 2014 it was legal for an adult to send a child a sexual message. However, following a campaign by the NSPCC, the government created a new offence in the Sexual Offences Act 2003 Section 15 which criminalises sexual communication with a child.

Unfortunately, social media platforms have no safety measures in place to stop people from grooming children and young people. In 2018 the NSPCC started a petition asking the government to bring in laws to make social media platforms protect children and young people. The government launched the Online Harms White Paper in April 2019, but the proposed bill has not been passed and children are still at risk of grooming. We will keep you updated on the progress of the bill.

A guide to the Online Safety Bill is available through the government website.

Some useful contact numbers are:

NSPCC Helpline – 0808 800 5000 (24 hours)
Child Line – 0800 1111 (24 hours)
Northamptonshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) – 0300 126 1000
In an emergency dial 999 or local Police – 101
Archery GB Lead Safeguarding Officer Anne Rook – 01952 602792
Archery GB Safeguarding and Governance Officer Karen Hodgkiss – 01952 602793

Jon Kilraine has been appointed Safeguarding Officer for Archers of Raunds Archery Club.  He is the first point of contact to report any concern regarding any Safeguarding or Code of Conduct issues and can be contacted either at a Club Shoot, by email on or by telephone 07432526353. Click here to download an Incident Report Form.

As well as Club Members, these safeguarding policies and procedures as well as the codes of conduct apply to other visitors to the Club including those participating in archery courses.

Meet our Safeguarding Team

Jon Kilraine

Safeguarding Officer
Started shooting at AoR in 2017. Became Tournaments Officer in 2018 and Club Coach since 2020.

Safeguarding and Code of Conduct Information

There is a lot of information available on the internet and also our Governing Body Archery GB but we have added a selection here for you and will continue to add more so do please keep checking here!
Library ContentDescriptionDownload
1906Archery GB Terms of Reference for MembersDownload
OPP-01-02.1cmSafeguarding Children and Young People Policy and ProceduresDownload
OPP-01a-02cmSafeguarding Adults Policy and ProceduresDownload
OPP-01a-02cmSafeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures – Incident Report FormDownload
Government GuideWorking Together to Safeguard ChildrenDownload
OPP-04-04Disciplinary Policy and ProceduresDownload
OPP-06c-02/03cmCode of Conduct which replaces the separate codes for adult archers, young archers, spectators, parents, carers and coaches/judges/officials.Download
OPP-16-01Anti Bullying PolicyDownload
OPP-17-01Online Safety and Social Media PolicyDownload
Poster - Adult ArchersCode of ConductDownload
Poster - Coaches, Leaders and OfficialsCode of ConductDownload
Poster - Spectators, Parents and CarersCode of ConductDownload
Poster - Young ArchersCode of ConductDownload
SCF 01Consent FormDownload
SCF 02Accident Report FormDownload
SCF 03Incident Report FormDownload
SCF 04Safeguarding Incident Report FormDownload
SCF 05Photography and Filming Consent FormDownload
SCFD 01Concerns about Possible AbuseDownload
SCFD 02Concerns about Possible Poor PracticeDownload
SCG 01(a)Duty of Care - England and WalesDownload
SCG 02Reporting and Dealing with Concerns about Poor PracticeDownload
SCG 03Safe Recruitment and Selection ProceduresDownload
SCG 04Abuse of Positions of Trust in SportDownload
SCG 04 - Annex AAbuse of Positions of Trust in SportDownload
SCG 04 - Annex BAbuse of Positions of Trust in SportDownload
SCG 04 - Annex CAbuse of Positions of Trust in SportDownload
SCG 04 - Annex DAbuse of Positions of Trust in SportDownload
SCG 05Guidance on Photographing & Filming Children & Young People in SportDownload
SCG 06Text and Email MessagingDownload
SCG 07Away Trips and HostingDownload
SCG 08Managing Challenging BehavioursDownload
Archers of Raunds
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