NCAS County Record Claims

At this evening’s committee meeting, it was brought to my attention that NCAS have a page on their website which lists the requirements for a county record to be claimed. AoR run their Sunday shoots to near competition standards and the rounds are usually (not always) registered with NCAS within the rules outlined on their website. This is to support AoR archers and our visitors who wish to try for NCAS county records.

I have added a link on the Event Diary page on the club’s website to the NCAS requirements page so that any archer seeking to shoot a county record at AoR can easily check what the requirements are.

Please remember that it is the archer seeking to shoot the county record who MUST ensure that the minimum requirements are met before they begin shooting. This means to check that the round is registered and that there are sufficient score sheets handed to the Records Officer at the end of the round.  These score sheets must be correctly completed and counter signed (Archer and Target Captain).

AoR cannot accept any responsibility for failed record claims for any reason.

Please also note that where an archer seeks assistance with scoring their arrows and recording them on the score sheet (disabled archers, children, etc.), one person must score and record the archer’s entire round.  It is not permissible for multiple people to record scores for such an archer.

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