I have today received three tournament entry forms for local shoots that you might be interested in:
- 10th February 2013 – Jolly Archers Open Portsmouth
- 3rd March 2013 – Kettering Archers FITA Clout – Record Status and Tassel award.
- 5th May 2013 – NCAS 1st Caswell – Hosted by Kettering Archers
Those of you that were there, will no doubt remember that I was privileged to recently present Katie with the county trophy for achieving the highest Junior Lady accumulative score for the 2012 NCAS Caswell’s. Booking early for the 1st Caswell on the 5th May will be a must for those of you that would like to have a chance at winning the trophy for your class as places get booked up very quickly for the NCAS County Caswell shoots.
Please drop me a line if you would like copies of the entry forms for all or any of the tournaments. They should also be available from the NCAS website shortly.