Committee Meeting

Back from a productive AoR committee meeting and I am pleased to report that preparations for the Portsmouth tournament are well underway and almost everything appears to be in hand.

Thank you to those members who took the time to meet in Stanwick this evening.  This meeting was unusually lightly attended which, although disappointing,  fortunately enabled us to move through the agenda quickly and decisions were quickly made.

However, now that our membership is growing, it would be nice to see a few more members joining the main committee members and sharing their thoughts on policy decisions, ideas for making the club more enjoyable and getting better informed about the workings of the club.

It has been suggested to me that many AoR members (especially new members) might not be aware that anyone can attend the meetings which are held roughly every six weeks.  Whilst most committee members try to make the meeting to give their respective reports and sign off on key decisions, any current AoR member (or parent of a junior member) is more than welcome at these important planning meetings.  Please watch out for Mick’s emails with the meeting’s minutes and the date of the next meeting.  It would be good to see more of you there and contributing to the well-being of OUR club.

A couple of points came up regarding the running of the tournament on Sunday and I’ll be emailing AoR club members with details, a request or two for some help, etc.

One decision that I can now make public is that we will be shooting as normal on Saturday.  It is our intention to shoot a normal practice session between 14:00 and just before 16:00 after which a small group of us will them lay out the hall.

Archers of Raunds
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