AoR End Of Season Closed Tournament

To all AoR members:

A reminder that the AoR Indoor Closed Competition (for Club members only) will be held on Sunday 29 March 2015 (the last indoor shooting session of the current season) and will be shot as a Portsmouth round with a total of 60 arrows being shot and scored after an initial 2 ends of “sighters” (3 arrows will be shot each end) .

All members, seniors and juniors, whatever your level of experience are encouraged to come along and take part. This is a great way of rounding off the season and a good introduction to competitive shooting in a friendly club atmosphere. Anyone taking part for the first time can be certain of the full support and encouragement of the more experienced members.

There is no entry form for this competition. Just turn up as soon as possible on 29 March in good time to help set up the targets etc and be ready to start shooting shortly after 10:00am.

Archers of Raunds
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