‘PTTOTD’ – Fund Raiser

Pin the tail on the donkey – AoR Fund Raiser.

Pin the tail on the donkey.
Pin the tail on the donkey.

Geoff is arranging a special mini Easter fun event that will run over the next three consecutive Saturdays leading up to Easter.

Open to anyone, club members, new members, visitors, juniors and seniors, you have the chance to win some prizes (as listed below) and have some fun at the same time.

Based around ‘pin the tail on the donkey’, each archer can purchase three arrows for £1.00 and, using club bows and arrows only, you’ll need to get closest to the point defined by Geoff.  The closest arrow senior arrow will win a bottle of Champaign and a box of chocolates.  Juniors will also have a chance to win a box of chocolates and also an indoor toy bow to share your enjoyment of the sport with your family.

Geoff will be the decision maker on closest to the target point and a shoot off will take place on Easter Saturday if there are two or more archers which are closest to the point.

This is a fund raising fun event and I urge everyone to come along and try your skill and luck.  We often get unexpected winners during these fun events and anyone could take home the prize and kudos of being one of the winners.

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