The outdoor season is now in full swing and I have recently been asked by some of our newer members about the opportunity to venture out to other clubs to take part in their tournaments. Whilst the NCAS website has a convenient list of most (if not all) of the scheduled tournaments in the NCAS region and also EMAS shoots, we also receive emails and entry form from other clubs direct.
I am a firm believer that getting out and shooting at other clubs and supporting their tournaments is a good thing. It not only helps clubs with much needs funds, but it also helps archers to expand their experiences within archery, strive for new goals and general benefit in countless ways.
This afternoon, I received an email from Nene Bowmen about their forthcoming 35th Ken Inkley Memorial Tournament and this prompted this first posting about outdoor tournaments.
the shoot will be held over at Ferry Meadows Country Park, Peterborough on Sunday 27th April 2014. The cost to enter is just £8.00 and £6.00 for under 14s. With sighters at 11.00 for the American rounds on offer, his is a great shoot to support, regardless of your experience and ability.
The entry form has the American rounds on offer being shot over 60, 50 and 40 yards for adults and 50, 40, 30 for under 16s. Then the under 14s will be shooting 40, 30, 20 and the under 12s will be shooting 30, 20 and 10 yards.
Please drop me an email if you would like a copy of the entry form for this shoot and I will email you a copy by return of email as quickly as possible.