Two Personal Achievements for young Louis in one weekend.

Today saw the lightest turnout of AoR archers and visitors for some months.  With just seven AoR archers and one visitor (many AoR archers were shooting away from home with EMAS training and shooting in tournaments hosted by other clubs), the session became a nice relaxed single detail Portsmouth.

However, even with that small number of members shooting, news of personal triumphs continue to reach me.

Two weekends and two AoR Junior archers have broken the elusive 500.  Hot on the heels of Lauren breaking the 500 after a season long battle last weekend, Louis Paul stepped up to the plate this weekend and smashed through the 500 barrier to set a new personal best of 518 for the Portsmouth round.  It is great to see Louis progress and breaking through the 500 during his first indoor season has been justly deserved.

Furthermore, he also took his first steps away from the club and shot at WOAC on the Saturday in their weekend long tournament.  Making the decision to shoot competitively away from home is a big step for most of us, but a huge one for Loius which saw him well outside of his comfort zone and without one or two people that have always been there to help and encourage.

Reports have already reached me that, despite falling short of his PB, Louis had a great experience shooting over at WOAC’s tournament and that this was not least due to Christine and John Marshall who looked out for him during the shoot and no doubt helped to settle some early nerves.  I was up north with Lauren and Katie at EMAS, so unable to be there for Louis and I’d like to personally thank Christine, John and everyone that helped Louis and our other AoR archers who made this their first away tournament.

I’m still waiting to hear how Ryan did at the tournament and I’ll comment on this posting when I have more news and the results are published.

In the meantime, I’d welcome reports from any AoR archers (juniors and seniors) that shot at WOAC or elsewhere over the weekend.

3 thoughts on “Two Personal Achievements for young Louis in one weekend.”

  1. Nice one Kevin. It is great to hear of one of our seniors getting some recognition of their efforts and a bronse is a great result. Looking forward to hearing about a silver or gold next time out.

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