I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone that took the time to join us this evening at Archers of Raunds for Brad’s archery development fund presentation. It was just great to see so many archers and friends of AoR, both past and present at the field and sharing in the success of Roy’s fund raising weekend and also of Brad’s recent success on the global archery stage.
Whilst the cheque for £900.00 was presented this evening, more donations were unexpectedly received this evening. The current fund is just wonderful for a small local club of our size and it exceeds my wildest expectations. I hope to edit this posting over the coming days as the final figure comes to light.
Once again, thank you to everyone that took the time to join us this evening, a huge thank you to everyone that donated to the fund and a massive thank you to Roy for preparing and running the weekend and to Leza for collecting the donations over the last few weeks and arranging the presentation cheque.
It is just amazing what our small local club can achieve when it puts its mind to it.