Well I guess that this blog posting’s title is not overly fair as it has been sometime since AoR shot Western rounds on a Sunday. However, this weekend we got up early, the field was setup in record time and the shoot was completed (single detail) within the time allocated to us for shooting. A big thank you to everyone that got there early and helped setup and take down so efficiently this weekend.
So, who was lucky enough to set some new club records:
- Simon Wright (Recurve Senior Gents) shooting the Western posted a 740
- Kevin Wood (Barebow Senior Gents) posted a 392 for the Western
- Imogen Neville (Recurve Ladies U16) posted a score of 622 to claim the club record and a provisional NCAS county record
- Richard Wise Snr. (Recurve Senior Gents, out of category) shot a 486 for the Short Western
- Lauren Phillips (Recurve Ladies U18) shot a 648 for the Short Western and a provisional new NCAS county record
- Louis Paul (Recurve Gents U16) shot the Short Western and shooting with Lauren he posted a 682 and won the day’s personal battle with Lauren
- Mike Williams (Longbow Senior Gents, out of category) shot the Junior Western and posted a great 458 and I’m still waiting for a copy of the three gold end that he was rightly proud of
- Ryan Abbott (Recurve Gents U12) chased the NCAS county record for the Short Junior Western but fell slightly shy of the required target (only by about 20-30 points though) but a great effort and a wonderful 758 club record shot.
- Ruby Paul (Recurve Ladies U14) was not to outdone by older brother Louis and with her new bow and new distances only shot this weekend, she posted a brilliant 579 for the Short Junior Western
As well as the above new club records, I’d also like to congratulate Amber Wilkins on a fabulous shoot. Having never shot 50 yards until this weekend, with no clicker and bow that is still being setup, she finished a couple of minutes ahead of Lauren with a great 553 and only one miss throughout the entire round. It will not be much consolation, but she shot a new county record score that stood for a brief moment while Lauren finished shooting.