New Website!!

2016websiteFor the longest time I have been talking about rebuilding the club website and following the recent hack issue, I have finally burned the midnight oil well into the wee small hours for several nights and hand crafted the new website, which is now online.

The new website has a brand new look and it makes use of images on each page for a modern look.  If the is an image of you on the site and you don’t want it to be used, please let me know and I’ll replace it as soon as possible.

However, the key benefit to the new design is that it is now “Responsive”.  This means that those of you viewing the site at the field on your smartphones and iPad, will have a better experience.  no longer will the screens be tiny and need scrolling all of the time.  Most pages ‘should’ now render for your device.

That said, I have used tables for some of the pages where the page includes data.  For example, the results pages.  These tables will display off the side of screens that are narrower than 600px wide.  Sorry about this, but those tables just didn’t really work in a 100% responsive interface.

IMPORTANT: Most, not all, of the text has been copied over form the old website.  This means that some of the content will be dated and it will need updating.  For example, I caught the Juniors GNAS fee which we are no longer able to pay as a club but I know that there will be other errors.  Can some of you ‘please’ spend a few minutes and email me with any issues that you find and I’ll get them fixed as soon as possible.

My next task will be to replace all of the fixed .pdf forms that have been designed in MS Excel and MS Word.  My plan is to try to recreate those forms in google Documents so that it is easier for any authorised member to make changes as needed.  We will then have a locked down, easily printable, .pdf version on the website for people to download but also a cloud based editable version.

I would welcome your comments about the new website in the comments section below.

I hope that you like the new website,


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