Mick and Heather

At times this evening, it sounded like we were saying goodbye to an old married couple (not offense intended) but for as long as I have been at the club, Heather has undertaken our Treasurer role and Mick the Secretary role.

These are two of the three key roles within AoR and they have both contributed greatly within their roles in recent years.  Heather, was great at managing the lottery grant and for putting together the financial reports for the lottery and each year at the AGM.  Mick has been instrumental in keeping all of us informed about things from around the county and also important things about AoR itself.

Both Heather and Mick supported me extremely well during my time as Chairman and also during Roy’s time at the helm.   This was underlined by several reports this evening that thanked both Heather and Mick for the dedication and time to their respective roles.

However, they now pass on the mantle to Debbie (Secretary) and to Steve (Treasurer) who have big boots to fill.  I am sure that they will do equally well and I would ask that every AoR member helps them to settling onto their key roles.

Finally, I’d like to personally thank both Heather and Mick again for their work in supporting the club over the last few years.  Whilst they won’t be disappearing totally from the membership, they will no doubt be missed from the committee as key figures.

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