IMPORTANT – AoR Shooting Times



Please be aware that the shooting times for December 24th and 31st have been changed to accommodate early closing of the college.  The college have kindly let us have the morning on these two days and we will therefore be shooting between 10.00 am and 12.30pm on both days.

Also, the AoR Fun Day is fast approaching.  Shooting the Fun Day on the 27th November will be by prior application only.  I need application forms and your payment by the end of Sunday 20th November and I do not plan to cater for people turning up on the day.  This is because I need to create special targets and make other arrangements for the shoot.

I will be at the club on Friday (17th) so please bring your entry forms along and catch me at the end of the session.

Please also share these time changes and the fun shoot with other people shooting at the club.  This will help to avoid people turning up to shoot and being turned away or finding that we have finished shooting.

Many thanks.



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