AoR Shooting this weekend (21st to 23rd February)

Manor School & Sports College Roof
Manor School & Sports College Roof

I have just heard that the builders have told Manor School that the roof is in a condition that means the hall cannot be used until repairs have been made.  This means that there will be no indoor shooting at AoR this weekend and the following weekend will remain under review.  I will circulate more information about that weekend as it comes to my attention.

As far as this weekend is concerned there will be no shooting at all this Friday (21st).  Manor School and Sports College have offered the club the opportunity to shoot outdoors on Saturday and Sunday this weekend between 1.00pm and 4.00pm.

However, NO club member will have access to the equipment store and only a very limited amount of equipment can be made available via the sports reception.  Required equipment will need to be sorted out in advance with staff on Friday.

There will be no access to club bows, quivers, spares, etc.  First Aid will need to be handled through the sports college as there will be no access to the club First Aid Kit.  Normal GNAS shooting rules apply, so club members must ensure that they do not shoot alone, a Field Captain is assigned and that there are sufficient spotters.  Remember that ALL arrows will need to be accounted for just like any AoR outdoor shoot.

If there are enough AoR archers who wish to shoot outside, I will get over to the school on Friday to load the cart with three or four bosses, stands and boss bags.  We will include the metal detector, measuring wheel, the shooting line rope, one ground hook for the rope and some large target faces.

Please note that depending on the numbers of archers wishing to shoot, it might be impractical to double boss the boss stands and double detail shooting might be required.

Archers in attendance will need to pull the laden trolley from the reception right around to the field and for that reason three or four people will be required.  They will also need to agree shooting distances between themselves.  The Sunday shooting round is therefore unlikely to count towards county record claims.

Please email no later than Wednesday evening if you wish to take up this offer.  I will then find some time to head over to Raunds to have the equipment set aside for these special shooting sessions.

In the meantime, Simon has spoken to WOAC about AoR archers shooting over there.  We have an invitation but we will have to be careful about numbers so that we do not overwhelm them.  I am also unsure about the costs for visitors and I would request that you contact WOAC to register your wish to take up their offer, check on available days, etc.  Targetcraft welcome visitors and I would request that you contact them for costs, times and details before heading over to shoot with them.

Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst the roof is repaired.

Archers of Raunds
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