Brad Denny - Rising Star.Well there should be a few acronyms in that title that need some explanation, so here goes.

Firstly, put the following dates in your diary, in bold, in red and don’t double book yourself and miss out on the most fun we’ve had at AoR in a long time, and AoR knows how to have fun these days:

Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March.

Archers of Raunds usually put on an internal end of season (EOS – that’s the first one done) shoot consisting of a scoring round and some awards.  However, this year the club committee has decided to mix things up a little.

Why??   In short, whist Jonathan has done a great job over the winter as Tournaments Officer, his work commitments have forced him to step down at the AGM and he is also very busy at the moment.  For example, he only flew in from the USA the afternoon before the recent indoor open tournament and fought the inevitable jet lag to pull off one of the best tournaments that we have had recently.  This meant that we really had no-one stepping forward to take on the indoor EOS closed tournament this year.

We are currently seeking a number of committee positions to be filled and more on that will be kept for another posting, but back to the topic in hand.

With the indoor tournament ruled out, the club still wanted to mark the end of what has been a truly amazing indoor season for the club and Chairmanship for me personally.  Taking into consideration Bradley’s humongous step towards his Olympic goal, his astounding success on the International stage and the heightened club profile that he has given us over the last few years (not less that two radio interviews and countless columns in the local papers, school posters around the area and more), the club officers felt that it was time to give something back and to support our rising star in some small way.

We have therefore decided to host an Archers of Raunds (AoR) End of Season (EOS) Fun Shoot (FS) in aid of Bradley Denny (Bradley Denny Fund Raiser or BDFR) – that’s the title explained at long last <rofl>.

To be held on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March during the usual Saturday (14.00 till 16.00) and Sunday (10.00 till 13.00) sessions, this will be a pay on the door only entry weekend, with all proceeds going to Bradley’s fund to support his growing expenses.

Each session will cost just £3.00 whether you are an AoR shooting member or a visitor.  Yes, this event is open to any of our regular visitors and anyone from our neighbouring clubs in the region.  It is going to be different and above all fun, so please consider attending (visitors, please remember your GNAS cards).

On the Saturday, Roy has devised a cunning, devious and down-right fun shoot using bespoke target faces and other props.  Don’t expect to come and shoot a normal round, don’t expect to be shooting at little yellow circles and don’t worry if you are the lowest scoring archer in your club or if you have only just finished your beginners course.  Things are going to get interesting and your lowest scoring archer just might become your best teammate.  There are only a handful of people that know what Roy has planned and I for one am super excited at the prospect of a lot of laughs, groans and downright good, safe, archery fun.

The Sunday session will resort back to traditional targets of one form or another, and we’ll be putting on a Randomised Knock Out style session.  Depending on time, we will run through the knock out several times and I hope to have a Champion’s knock out round that will result in one overall Champion.  Using a randomised approach, means that anyone could be up against anyone and your abilities, bowstyles and chances will be truly mixed together.

As mentioned earlier, the cost to enter is £3.00 (paid on the door) and the proceeds from the event will be made directly available to Brad Denny to help him to cover the rising expenses that he is incurring in pursuing his career as a Great Britain International Archer.  Brad has been and will continue to be an excellent ambassador for Archers of Raunds and , despite his very busy GB schedule, he still finds time to play an active part in the club’s life and he is always encouraging and helping others (both juniors and seniors) with their shooting and equipment issues.

Please support Archers of Raunds and our young international archer by making every effort to attend this fun event weekend.  You really will be in for some unexpected twists and turns during the event that will be fun, fun, fun.

Although I will be involved with making sure that the two days run as smoothly as possible (Roy will be joining in with the shooting fun), I am hoping to bring along my new pro camera and I hope to get some good shots of the archers and the fun.  These will be published to my website and people will be able to buy copies if they wish, with the proceeds again going to Bradley’s fund.

I am sure that you appreciate that we are running this fundraising event for a very worthwhile cause.  If you are unable to attend the vent on either day and you would like to make a donation to the fund anyway, please see any club officer who will be happy to receive your donation or contact Martyn on

Finally, it would be hugely useful if you could drop an email to to register your interest in attending this great fun event.  Alternatively, you can comment to this blog posting on our Facebook page. This will help Leza to adequately stock the tuck shop and for Roy and I to better prepare for the two days.  If possible, please let me know which day or (preferably) days you will be coming along.

Thank you,

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