AGM – Monday evening

To all AoR members, please remember that tomorrow (or today if you are reading this on Monday morning) will be our Annual General meeting.

It will be held at the Manor School and Sports College starting promptly at 7.30pm.  Please make the meeting if at all possible as we need a quorum of members to be able to vote on and pass motions raised at the meeting, vote in the committee and other things.

Mick will also be handing out performance badges and certificates to a large number of members, so please make the meeting to receive your award in person.

As during previous meetings, we will have a short break half way through.  I will therefore be very grateful if you could bring along a bottle of soft drink or something to nibble during the break.

Remember that this is your club and the AGM is your opportunity to vote of policy changes that will affect your shooting and for you to raise any points that you would like to be considered or voted on at the meeting.  Please email myself or Mick ASAP if you know of anything that you would to be raised at the meeting.  This will help us to manage the available time.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.

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