Please be advised that Geoff and I will be marking out the field on Thursday late afternoon (weather permitting) and subject to us gaining access to the field early. Depending on when we can begin and how long it will take, the Thursday shooting session might be delayed whilst we finish because the field has to be fully marked out for the shoot on Saturday.
Please also remember that there will be no shooting on Saturday owing to the club hosting our 2nd annual Open Albion and Windsor Tournament. The shoot is almost full and it promises to be a good one if the weather is kind to us. If anyone is available on Saturday morning to help set-up the field we will be very grateful of the help. We should have access to the field from 08.00 onwards.
Finally, we have been emailed by Northampton Archery Club (NAAC) to say that their NAC Open Nationals Competition date has changed. It was scheduled for Sunday 29th July, but this event will now take place on the 12th August. Please drop me a line if you would like a copy of the entry form.