Polly’s Club Record

Icon for AoR RecordsI first met Polly back in February of this year when she joined us at the last minute for the AoR beginners course.  From day one she looked like a young lady to keep an eye on, not least because of her stance but also because of her attitude towards being taught and striving to become better all of the time.  I quickly found myself pushing her more than usual and no matter what extra I asked of her, she listened understood why and applied that new part of her technique.

She worked with all of the coaches during the course and I know that numerous people along the shooting line have helped her during her shooting sessions during the week.  Polly has taken that help and advice and I was amazed at how far she had come when I returned to the field after a few weeks away.

So, she finished her course at the beginning of March and despite best recommendations, she had her first aluminium riser and bow setup shortly after graduating.  A step too far for a lot of people but Polly again rose to the challenge and showed that she can not only handle the extra weight, but that she can put her shiny new blue bow to good use.

Over the last few weeks she has been blitzing the 200 club distances with a 229 for the 15 meter distance and last Friday she stepped up to nail a 221 for the 30 meter distance.  Then, this morning I received the new club records sheet from Simon to see Polly’s name on the records list.

Back in May 2012 Esme Bayliss shot a fine 428 for the Ladies U12 Metric V Recurve at the NCAS 1st Caswell.  This is a club record that has stood for just on four years.  However, Polly shot the round on the 15th May of this year and blitzed that club record with an amazing 506 and all within her first 3 months of shooting.

These are amazing achievements from a young lady who listens, takes advice from right along the shooting line, who looks and applies what she learns to the best of her ability.  Yes she ‘is’ competitive, she  is a joy to coach and yes, I can see her breaking a few more club records over the coming months and I have no doubt that a few county records could go her way as well.  Let’s watch this space and see how she goes.

Congratulations Polly and nice shooting.

Archers of Raunds
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