AoR is proud to be hosting this event for NCAS again this year.
Nice early start to the morning and time to get the kettle on ready for the first archers to arrive.
Pete Mallard our Judge for the day, arrived and is going through the range just to make sure all is OK and ready to go.
Archers are arriving and there is immediately a sense of enjoyment in the club which will continue throughout the day. Coffees and Teas are already being served with the guys getting their sugar intake up.
We had a number of archers that participated in their first tournament. We went over what will be involved and how to approach the tournament with them to alleviate any worries. Also as the other archers on their bosses arrived we introduced them to each other again just to put them at ease. Once the tournament had started, it seemed the fears had disappeared and the fun took over. Well done to all the tournament newbies.
Burgers and Hot Dogs were absolutely amazing! Think i will need another one of those or two…
Again another successful tournament and thanks go to Cate and Angela for the wonderful food, organisation and our ever growing raffle, Andy, Tony, Paul and David for the range set up, Nikki for being our Lady Paramount, all of the many helpers in AoR for both setting up and packing away, Pete for being our Judge and Jon as our Tournament Officer. Not forgetting the archers from many clubs that took part. Without everyone there we could not put on these events so thank you all !!
Results have been posted to AoR and NCAS websites.
See you at our next event which is the NCAS 1st Caswell on the 29th May – see you all there..
Happy shooting…