Happy New Year

Icon for AoR RecordsFirstly, can I take this opportunity to wish all of my readers and followers a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.  2013 continued to be a busy year for AoR with lots of new members, members venturing out and gaining success around the country and our juniors continue to progress.

With regards to Bradley, well what a year he has had.  Shooting in several countries during last year, he begins the New Year in a 5 star plus hotel in Qatar.   I wish him well for 2014, with much success and the realization of his archery ambitions.

Can I please also take this opportunity to remind you all about the tournament the weekend after this weekend.  The tournament is filling fast with more emails coming in almost daily inquiring about places.  There are some places on session A available, but less than a handful on the other to sessions.

If you want to take part in this major AoR tournament, please let Jonathan or I know ASAP.

I also need to congratulate Christine Marshall on a new club record for the Worcester in October and which was missed off of my previous club record update.  The website has now been updated with her Recurve record of 258, shot at Manor School on the 20th October 2013.

Archers of Raunds
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