Final Beginners Course of the year

We started this course back in October and it was good to see the new archers itching to get started. The course was structured so we had 4 weeks of longer sessions on a Friday evening.

The course was half way through when the second lock down happened. A frustrating time for all but as soon as we got back it was good to see that they picked up right where they left off and even remembered the questions that had been set.

Week 3 is always a good week. The progression team went through the many paths open for progression within archery and then onto the balloons. The balloon session is not only good fun but also helps with shooting at different parts of the bosses in preparation to shooting different target face such as Vegas, Portsmouth 3 spot etc.

Final week is where we get out the other bows we have just so they can try a selection of bows out there. It is a mix of full recurve and barebow as well as Horsebow, Flatbow, Compound and Longbow.

Another great course has come to an end but we look forward to holding more courses next year.

Well done everyone and see you on the shooting line soon.

Angela John Simon Group Shot BC8 Assisted Shooting BC1 BC6

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