Bradley Denny – Seoul Update

Bradley Denny getting ready for Seoul 2013, well sort of.
Bradley Denny getting ready for Seoul 2013, well sort of.

It looks like Bradley finished the qualification rounds a highly commendable 12th overall with 53 competitors in his Cadet Recurve category.  He is traveling with Patrick who was ranked 9th following the qualification rounds and also Rob who was ranked 43rd (I think).

According to Bradley’s Facebook posting today, he says that he is looking forward to tomorrows Individual Elimination rounds.

It sounds like he is having a good time in Seoul, Korea and I wish him well for the remaining rounds over the coming days.  I look forward to hearing more snippets of news and I’ll post what I know here.

Thanks to Kerry for forwarding some images of Bradley in his GB gear.  I now just wonder if he will shoot as smoothly, sleekly and as sure footedly as that totally amazing car behind him drives.

Archers of Raunds
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