AoR News

Earlier today Mick circulated the minutes from the most recent AoR committee meeting.  All AoR members should have received a copy but I now plan to post the minutes (or part thereof) onto the back of the bow cupboards which will form our notice board for those people without easy access to email, my blog or other communication channels.

In the interests of making this important information as readily available as possible, I am also planning on uploading the minute reports to the AoR members only area on our website.  Please do not hesitate to contact Mick or myself if none of these communication channels are acceptable to you and we will try to work out something for you.

The 2013 AoR Indoor Closed Tournament will be held on Sunday 24 March shooting a Worcester round. This competition is for AoR Members and Associate Members only and is shot along exactly the same lines as our normal Sunday shoots so everyone (seniors and juniors) is encouraged to take part, whatever their level of ability, and enjoy a good morning shoot. The shoot will be followed by the presentation of medals for the various senior and junior categories in the classroom at Manor School. AoR members will be asked to pre-register for this tournament and it would be great to see as many of you on the shooting line as possible on what will be our last Sunday shoot of the indoor season.

Jonathan has kindly expressed an interest in taking over the tournaments officer role and I will shortly be collating my thoughts on the specific things that need coordinating leading up to and during a shoot.   As I learned recently, it requires the combined help of a team people to put on a successful shoot and Jonathan and I will welcome any offers of help leading up and on to tournament days.  These offers of help will help us to delegate tasks appropriately and in good time.

The Annual AoR Outdoor Open Tournament will be held on Sunday 9 June with field set up on Saturday 8 June  (the rounds to be shot have yet to be decided). An “Open” tournament is open to any Archery GB affiliated archer and further information will be published later about how to enter. Only archers who have registered and paid the entry fee will able to shoot at this tournament. There will be no other “free” shooting taking place at Raunds Manor that day. Once again, AoR members are encouraged to enter and “first timers” can expect plenty of support from the more experienced AoR members who will be taking part.

The Committee will not now meet until after the AGM on 8 April and its next meeting will be held on Monday 20 May 2013.

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