AoR Committee Meeting Minutes & Important Club Information


To all AoR Members:

On 6 Jan I emailed the minutes of the AoR Management Team Meeting held on 5 Jan to all Members. It appears that some may not have received that email and so I will re-circulate the minutes to all members in a separate email to follow this. If you did not receive my earlier email attaching the minutes of 5 Jan please let me know. However, as I will be away for 2 weeks from today, I wont be able to address this issue till I return.

Meanwhile, for those who may not have received my earlier email,  I’d particularly like to draw your attention to the following matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 5 January:

During the Indoor shooting season archers are urged to shoot at a varied mix of used target faces during all Club indoor practice sessions. This will not only help to preserve the Club’s stock of new indoor targets but also avoid repeated arrow hits to the same spot (particularly on Friday evenings indoors) causing rapid deterioration of the bosses. (Bosses currently cost around £150 each to replace).

The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 13 April 2015. Formal notice of the meeting with agenda and nomination forms for Committee Officer posts will be circulated in due course.

Meanwhile, members are again asked to give very serious consideration to coming forward to fill the vacancies (see below) that will exist from the date of the AGM.

Anyone taking on one of these roles will, of course, have the continued support of the other Committee Officers and those senior Club Members who have had some experience in these areas.

The need to fill the soon to be vacant posts of Treasurer and Secretary is particularly vital for the on-going management of the Club.

  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Equipment Officer (at least two people)
  • Junior Representative
  • Safeguarding Officer


UPDATE: The minutes are now posted to the club website.

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