AoR Champions & County Records.

Archery CompetitionIt would seem that some of Archers of Raunds archers were out and about over the weekend and gaining some personal accolades along the way.

Martin Davis and Deanna Neville were invited to represent the County at the recent Thoresby Trophy Shoot along with Amber Wilkins.  This was Martin and Deanna’s first time wearing a County shirt.  They had to shoot under very difficult weather conditions and, although Northants didn’t win, I believe everyone enjoyed the opportunity and privilege in representing the County of Northants.

Yesterday (13th September 2015) was The Outdoor County Championship held at WOAC’s ground at The Old Grammarians and there were several archers from Archers of Raunds taking part. Martin Davis, Deanna Neville, Richard Wise Jnr, Amber Wilkins, Imogen Neville and Ruby Paul and out of these 6 archers 2 of them came away as County Champions, they were Ruby Paul (Junior Girls Recurve) and Richard Wise (Barebow) who was taking part in his first away competition and shot brilliantly, Barebow is obviously the way to go !!

Gents Barebow

  • Richard Wise Jnr 591 1st
  • Martin Davis 501     3rd County

Lady Recurve

  • Deanna Neville 873   2nd County
  • Amber Wilkins 779     3rd County

Jnr Ladies – Recurve Bristol II

  • Imogen Neville 1074   1st County

Jnr Ladies – Recurve Bristol III

  • Ruby Paul 1172
    1st County – COUNTY CHAMPION

The day was very calm and the sun came out for most of it which really made a change because there hasn’t been many dry, sunny, calm days this outdoor shooting season !!

Everyone enjoyed the days shooting and thanks go to Christine and John Marshall (and the field party) from WOAC for making it run smoothly although we don’t know how calm it was in the results tent !!!

(Report courtesy of Leza Paul – AoR Vice Chairperson)

1 thought on “AoR Champions & County Records.”

  1. Huge congratulations to everyone mentioned in this posting. There has been some serious hard work on the shooting line with people developing their technique and learning new disciplines and it is great to see this hard work being reward in this manner.

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