AoR Beginners Course and New Beginners

Following the increased interest in archery over the Olympics, Lesley has kindly offered to run another Beginners Course for us starting next Friday (10th August 2012).  Please email if you are interested in attending this course or if you know of someone who might be interested.

All AoR members – With some of the coaches on holiday during August, I am sure that Lesley will appreciate some help with the beginners – helping them to string their bows and put them away at the end of the session, talking to them between shooting their arrows, etc.  The club still needs to attract a few more full members to replace those that we lost at the last end of year and to keep all of our costs to a minimum.  It is therefore in everyone’s interests to make sure that everyone on the course has a good experience and wants to continue shooting with us, and then to also continue that good experience as they become full shooting members.  With this in mind, please spare some time for Bjorn, Elliot, Harry, Louis, Albert and the two Richards who will hopefully be joining us tonight having finished their course last week.

Archers of Raunds
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