A record breaking weekend at AoR

Icon for AoR RecordsWell, despite the inability for AoR archers to claim two county records, the weekends news from AoR was better than I had imagined.

I have learned this morning that Shane is spreading his wings and will be heading off to the European Archery Festival 2014.  He is looking forward to the challenge of this big shoot and I wish him well.

Closer to home the busy Sunday shoot generated a lot of activity.  Mick has just provided me with an update on the weekend, so here goes:

  1. Ryan Abbott’s 568 for the Short Metric II has been confirmed as a new club record.
  2. Imogen Neville has claimed a new club record with a 271 for the Short Metric II and her second 1st Class Classification score this season.
  3. Louis Paul has claimed his second 1st Class classification score of the season with a 411 for a Short Metric
  4. Lauren Phillips has broken her previous club record for the Short Metric raising the bar to 482 for the round.
  5. Kevin Wood has also raised his bar for the Short Metric Barebow with a 234
  6. Mike Williams, shooting Longbow, has set a new club record for the Short Metric II with a 235.

All in all, yet another great weekend of shooting, where AoR archers right along the shooting line have raised the bar.

Archers of Raunds
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