36th Annual Portsmouth Tournament

Well it is only a few short hours now before the main AoR event of the indoor season.  Tomorrow we will be holding the club’s 36th Annual Portsmouth tournament for nearly 100 archers.

Whilst I appear to be getting more and more stressed about the whole thing (that’s just my nature I’m afraid), it was great to see so many calm and collected AoR members at the hall today and helping to set out the hall.  I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone that contributed in a large or small way today and especially those that I found myself bossing around and firing requests at from time to time – you all know who you are.  You will all have helped to make tomorrow the success that I am sure it will be.

Well, it’s getting late now.  The target lists have been printed, changed, printed and changed again to accommodate for a few last minute changes.  The score sheets are printed and a last check on my AoR archery tournament management software seems to indicate that we will be ready for the triple session marathon.

So, before I head of to bed for a few hours, I would like to wish everyone taking part tomorrow the very best of luck.  Drive safely and be lucky with your shooting.

The school is being opened early (08.00am) for us, so I look forward to seeing the Session A archers shortly after that.



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