Fun Day Photos

Brad aims for the pin to win his challenge.
Brad aims for the pin.

Bradley has had a very busy time since the Fun Weekend at AoR, but we are hoping to make the presentation of the funds raised on his return from Shanghai.  We are therefore shooting (no pun intended) for the Friday after the AGM (Friday 2nd May) for the presentation during the usual Friday shooting session.

A few of you have mentioned to me that you would like some of the photographs taken from the Fun Weekend.  Please let me know the photograph numbers by email and whether you want digital .jpg files or printed photographs (4×6″ or A4 sized).  Leza and I will be looking to finalise the fund at the AGM, so this weekend will be the last time that I will be taking orders for photographs to be included in the fund.

As a reminder, the photographs can be viewed on my new website by clicking here.  The digital .jpg photograph files cost £2.00 each with the whole £2.00 going into the fund.  Email me if you would like a print and I will email you back with the costs.

Remember, this weekend will be the last time to order your photographs.  Money will be collected over the weekend or at the AGM itself so that it can be included in the fund before presentation on the following Friday.

Thank you to everyone that has supported this Fund Raising weekend.  Brad has done a lot to help to raise the profile of AoR over the least few years and this has helped to make the club stronger and a better place to shoot.

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