Booked Practice Sessions

Archers of Raunds - Practice Sessions Manor School Sports College, Mountbatten Way, Raunds, United Kingdom

Practice session for full members and associate members only. Back to shooting with 4 lanes marked A, B, C and D limited to 6 archers per session only

Booked Practice Sessions

Archers of Raunds - Practice Sessions Manor School Sports College, Mountbatten Way, Raunds, United Kingdom

Practice session for full members and associate members only. Back to shooting with 4 lanes marked A, B, C and D limited to 6 archers per session only

Beginners Course Weekend 2

Archers of Raunds - Coaching Manor School Sports College, Mountbatten Way, Raunds, United Kingdom

Welcome to the second weekend of the Beginners Course. Freestyle/Recurve – finger placement, hook depth and Draw Arm Discuss scoring rounds Progression Team to help with session Freestyle/Recurve – finger placement, hook depth and Pelvic Tilt Continue with FITA award Discussion by the Progression Team Bow drills, clingy bands and balance work

Booked Practice Sessions

Archers of Raunds - Practice Sessions Manor School Sports College, Mountbatten Way, Raunds, United Kingdom

Practice session for full members and associate members only. Back to shooting with 4 lanes marked A, B, C and D limited to 6 archers per session only

Booked Practice Sessions

Archers of Raunds - Practice Sessions Manor School Sports College, Mountbatten Way, Raunds, United Kingdom

Practice session for full members and associate members only. Back to shooting with 4 lanes marked A, B, C and D limited to 6 archers per session only

Beginners Course Final Weekend

Archers of Raunds - Coaching Manor School Sports College, Mountbatten Way, Raunds, United Kingdom

Welcome to the final weekend of the Beginners Course. Etiquette and knowledge checks Scoring rounds and FITA awards Discuss membership and what’s next for them as archers Demonstrate different bows, styles, draws, finger releases, release aids Presentations of awards and certificates

Scoring Round: Indoor Season Begins (TBC)

Archers of Raunds - Scoring Rounds Manor School Sports College, Mountbatten Way, Raunds, United Kingdom

This is our due date to start the indoor season but maybe set back and continue to shoot outdoors for as long as possible until restrictions/guidelines are changed.

Scoring Round: Portsmouth

Archers of Raunds - Scoring Rounds Manor School Sports College, Mountbatten Way, Raunds, United Kingdom

It will be a Portsmouth Round so will be as follows and on the 4 lanes E, F, G and H indoors: Distance: 20yds (18m) - Arrows: 5 Dozen Arrows  - Target Face: 60cm single spot (3 spot for Compounds) There will be two sighter ends consisting of 3 arrows per end.  All ends will […]

Booked Practice Sessions

Archers of Raunds - Practice Sessions Manor School Sports College, Mountbatten Way, Raunds, United Kingdom

Practice session for full members only. Back to shooting with 4 lanes marked A, B, C and D limited to 6 archers outdoors and 4 lanes marked E, F, G and H limited to 6 archers indoors

Progression – Session 1

Archers of Raunds - Practice Sessions Manor School Sports College, Mountbatten Way, Raunds, United Kingdom

Session 1: Scoresheets/ Rounds Integrity of arrows Removing/replacing nocks Remove/replace pile Fletch an arrow

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