All Scores and Records
Tournaments, Scoring Rounds and Club Records
Please select from the list below to see the various scores and results available for the club, tournaments and county.
Please select the records/scoring page

Tournament Scores
Result sheets for Tournaments held at Archers of Raunds to support NCAS and other county record claims. If you wish to claim a county record and you need a score sheet publishing, please contact our Records Officer as soon as possible. NCAS conditions as defined on their website apply when claiming NCAS County Records.

AoR Scoring Rounds
These are the result sheets from Archers of Raunds scoring rounds to support NCAS and other county record claims. If you wish to claim a county record and you need a score sheet publishing, please contact our Records Officer as soon as possible. NCAS conditions as defined on their website apply when claiming NCAS County Records.

Club Records
Archers of Raunds maintains a list of club records shot by members both at home and away under Archery GB rules. The list here is updated roughly once a month and it serves to show who is shooting well and what to aim for if you are (or aim to be) a competitive AoR archer.

Frostbite Badges
Frostbite Badges that have been awarded to our archers that have braved the cold.